Athlete Chiropractic In Wheat Ridge

Playing At The Top Of Your Game

Do finely tuned athletes really need chiropractic care to stay on top of their games? Absolutely. Just ask Tom Brady or Tiger Woods, both of whom regularly consult chiropractic specialists to help prevent injury, and to optimize their performance. Whenever an athlete does get injured as a result of competition, it will always be possible to recover more quickly and get back in the game faster, with the help of chiropractic care. This kind of care can restore nervous system functionality in the body, and a number of strains can be resolved by relieving nervous system blockages.

A knowledgeable chiropractor can also assist your performance even if you’re not injured, because they can keep you on a good maintenance program which enables you to perform at your best. All kinds of athletes benefit by regularly seeing a chiropractor, and this is true whether you’re involved in a major contact sport, or whether you’re simply a recreational participant.


Any athlete involved in competitive sports needs to be at their very best, and to have all parts of the body functioning at optimal effectiveness, in order to compete with other highly skilled athletes. When you have pain or discomfort limiting your performance, you simply won’t be able to measure up to the level of top athletes in your area of competition. Here’s how expert chiropractic care can keep you in top-notch condition, and able to keep up with your rivals:.


  • better flexibility through the hips and back area, which are commonly used in most athletic endeavors

  • improved speed, performance, and reaction time when faced with athletic situations

  • much quicker recovery time after a major exertion of effort

  • better immune system functionality, and better nervous system functionality

  • prevention of injuries, because ligaments, tendons, tissue, and muscle have all been stretched and relaxed, thus avoiding strains and pulls

  • optimizing the biomechanics involved with all athletic endeavor, making it possible to achieve more.

Care For Every Level

You don’t have to be a member of the Denver Broncos or the Colorado Rockies to benefit by chiropractic care in Wheat Ridge. If you’ve been injured during your athletic competition, or even if you’d just like to do everything possible to optimize your athletic performance, you will benefit tremendously by the care you receive at Rooted Family Chiropractic. Come see us for an initial consultation, and you’ll be amazed at how much better you perform, and how much faster you recover from injury.

Improve Your Athletic Performance Today

The easiest form of care is prevention from injuries. Schedule your first appointment today.

Athlete Chiropractic Wheat Ridge, Arvada and Denver CO | (303) 424 - 9888